Saturday, November 19, 2011

Random, Act of Kindness

The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25–37
link to pic
This story is so odd that I have to share it. Perhaps it will sound like a "right time, right place" coincidence to you. We shall see.

My mom was here helping us after our new baby was born (thanks a bazillion, Mom!) and I took her to the airport to catch her flight. When she was getting her boarding pass I looked over and saw a girl who has been taking the missionary lessons and attending my ward (Random!). I think she was planning on getting baptized. Well, I told my mom I wanted to say hi to this girl before we headed to the food court for lunch. When I went to talk to her, I could see she was on the phone and having some difficulty in line so I didn't bother her.

Fast forward past lunch (Philly cheesesteak, yum!) and saying a tearful goodbye to my mom at the security gate. I was going to the food court to play on my laptop for a few hours while I waited for my mom-in-law to arrive.

Well, on my way back I passed the ticket counter and saw the girl on the phone again. It was obvious that something was wrong so I stopped to see if I could help her. "Is everything ok?" I asked.

"No. They won't let me through security. I don't have a driver's license and all my other identification is with my family (in another state). Security doesn't accept faxes because they can be tampered with." Then she told me about the crazy situation she was in: she got on the plane to come here with some high school ID (a copy with a picture that could easily be confused with a dark storm cloud at night) and this airport won't accept it; the other airport probably shouldn't have either. Since she was dropped off and didn't have any money, she was stranded at the airport, trying to make phone calls and somehow get on her flight. Security would allow one thing that she could try to records with her personal information (wow, I never thought of that). Things weren't looking good. Not good at all.

She was even more distraught because she paid someone gas money to get to the airport and didn't have anything else to get home...or to get back to the airport even if she got the hospital records.

Does the Good Samaritan come to mind? It does to mine.

I told her I'd be around for a few hours anyway and I could take her back to her friend's house near where I live. To make the rest of the long story short, I bought her lunch, told her I could take her home and bring her back the next day (the airport is an hour away).

Happily, she got the hospital records and I took my family for a drive to the airport the next day. The airline employees and security officers remembered her and hoped that she'd get the okay to proceed. It was a nervous time while we waited for the right person to give clearance, but it finally came. Phew! She was grateful and so was one employee who said something like, "Sir, I don't know who you are, but you are doing this person a huge favor."

It's amazing that I was there to see a fellow citizen in need and had the time/resources to help her when she couldn't help herself.

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