Sunday, November 6, 2011

Multiply and Replenish

"Be fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28) has been on my mind a lot lately since my wife has been expecting a baby. Well, now he's here. Let me tell you some stuff about the birth experience.

Several lucky things happened as far as timing goes:

1. Delivery on a Friday, that's about as good as you can ask for because of the weekend ahead.
2. Full night's rest before the water broke...I was pretty wiped out by the end of the day and I'm not even the one who was in labor! It was a pretty emotional and busy day.
3. The end of Daylight Savings time. You're wondering what Sunday morning has to do with a Friday delivery? Getting kids ready for church all by myself is trouble, but the extra hour was bliss. :)

Since it's football season, I've been thinking about things in common with our kids/births in terms of Win-Loss records.

Boys: 3-0
Girls: 0-3
Strong wife up to delivery: 3-0
Placenta luck after delivery: 0-3
Yanked outtie belly buttons: 2-1
Average umbilical cord length: 1-2
Eensy Weensy umbilical cord: 1-2
Longest umbilical cord, ever: 1-2
Dad cutting umbilical cord: 2-1 (partial correlation with yanked outties)
Home births: 2-1
Hospitalization: 2-1
C-sections: 1-2

In a recent blog post I mentioned how I feel so, so stressed over adding too much to my schedule. I keep thinking about my time priorities and how family should be at the top (next to relationships with Deity). Well, spending time in the hospital and having my third boy has been a really good time to re-focus, re-prioritize and relax (relaxing from work, anyway).


  1. Hmmm....a sports analogy for every occasion. :-)

  2. Yay! He is beautiful! Good job Momma and Daddy! Glad all is well. Give Angie a hug for me.

  3. I love that picture! It's always good to reprioritize.


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