Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kids teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ

I love it when my kids get assigned talks in primary. Skyler is getting old enough that he can think up what he wants to say almost by himself. It's harder to get him to sit still long enough to come up with the talk than it is to get him to figure out what he wants to say.

I think this is the third time that Skyler has given a talk where we wrote it down and he read it by himself. The two previous times he wanted to write it down in a little notebook that he keeps in his scripture bag. This time he wanted to type it up. I sort of remember typing up one other one so maybe this is the fourth talk that he's done mostly on his own.

Last night we sat down at the computer together and talked about the topic, "How Nephi was blessed for choosing the right." I think it was a little harder for him to think about this topic than others, but that's ok. It just took some extra discussion about the end blessings for the choices he made, rather than talking about what he did to get those blessings.

Here is Skyler's talk. I typed it up for him, but he put all these ideas in. Angie and I both gave suggestions, but he chose what he would actually say. It was fun(ny) to hear him say stuff like, "No, I don't like that sentence so take it out" or "Change the order of those sentences." He wanted to be done a few times before the talk was long enough, but he stuck it through. I'm proud of him. Here's his talk in its entirety.

"My talk is about how Nephi was blessed for choosing the right.

"Nephi was freed from ropes because he prayed for help. His wrists were sore, but he did not complain.

"Nephi got the brass plates from Laban because he followed the Spirit. He knew that the Lord would bless him.

"Nephi was protected from his brothers by an angel because he chose the right.

"The Liahona gave him directions because he followed the prophet Lehi.

"I know the Church is true. We can be blessed by saying our prayers and choosing the right. I know that Jesus lives.

"In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."


  1. I'm so glad you posted Skyler's talk, because I tried to listen, really I did, but I was also trying to lasso in about 3 other young Sunbeams at the same time. :) He did a great job, he was so mature!

  2. Thanks, Emily. We are really proud of him. He sure is growing up!

  3. Awwww, I so wish I could have heard him give this talk! It is so good! Go Skyler! :)

  4. kimmers, Skyler was so proud of himself. Angie and I were sitting at the back of the room and we got to see him walk back to his seat and see his face and everything. Angie said, "He's such a little man." It was awesome. So cute!


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